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By becoming a member of BSGCT you will receive a discount on your Annual Conference booking and gain access to exclusive member benefits throughout the year.

The Fairbairn Award

The Fairbairn Award was set up in memory of Lez Fairbairn. The competition is open to UK-based ECR and is awarded for the best oral presentation during the annual conference. Applicants can apply for the Fairbairn multiple times as long as they are within the criteria for age/experience.

ECRs, defined as any individual actively engaged in research within the field of gene and cell therapy who is at an early stage of their career.

This includes individuals working within industry from apprentices up to but excluding those in a senior research leadership role; and individuals in academia from graduate students up to but excluding those who have a permanent position. Fairbairn candidates can have no more than 3-years full-time experience (or equivalent part-time service) at a post-doctoral (or industry equivalent) level at the time of the annual conference.