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 The BSGCT Board 

President's Letter

Dear member or interested party, Welcome to the British Society for Gene and Cell Therapy (BSGCT) website. Our Society was founded in 2003 with the goal of advancing the science and practice of gene therapy for the public benefit, an aim which is quickly becoming a clinical reality.

Our Board



Professor Rafael J. Yáñez-Muñoz

Royal Holloway University of London 


Board Member

Dr Alex Baker

Accession Therapeutics


Early Career Representative

Dr Rebeca Gil Garzon​

University College London


Board Member

Dr Florian Merkle

University of Cambridge

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President Elect

Professor Stuart Nicklin 

University of Glasgow

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Board Member

Dr Carly Bliss

Cardiff University

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Board Member

Dr Zoe Hewitt

Regenerative Cell Therapy Consulting Limited

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Early Career Representative

Dr Riccardo Privolizzi

University College London

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Dr Gerry McLachlan

University of Edinburgh

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Early Career Representative

Dr Ellie Chilcott

University College London

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Board Member

Dr Rajvinder Karda

University College London


General Secretary

Professor Ivana Barbaric

Centre for Stem Cell Biology, The University of Sheffield


Board Member

Dr Christos Georgiadis

UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health

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Board Member

Dr Giulia Massaro

University College London

Our Board

Join the Board

BSGCT Board members serve for a 3 year term, and are eligible for re-election for a further 3 years. Candidates for election to membership of the Board must be members of the Society, and nominations should be supported by two current BSGCT members.


BSGCT also recruits Early Career Representatives to the BSGCT Board. ECRs stand for 2 years and can be re-elected for another 2 years. They are responsible for advising the board from a student's/first post-doc's perspective and for developing recruitment strategies and events centred around early career BSGCT members. Candidates must be BSGCT members.


If you would like to express an interest in becoming a board member please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will let you know when the next call for nominations is made.

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