ECR Networking Event, 2024 The ECDC sub-committee organised a networking event for Early Career Researchers…

ECRD Day 2018
Early Career Development and Collaboration Day and Join ISCT Evening Networking Reception
BSGCT’s first Early Career Development and Collaboration event and Joint ISCT Evening Networking Reception was held at the Institute for Child Health on Thursday 22nd November 2018. There has never been a tougher time for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) to establish independence, against a backdrop of limited tenure track positions and incredibly competitive fellowships schemes. This had been in our mind, at BSGCT, for some while, and we established a new subcommittee focussed on Early Career Development and Collaboration (ECDC) to look into how we, as a society, might be able to help our ECRs.
This event and programme was brought together by our ECDC subcommittee to help enhance career possibilities for ECRs and facilitate networking with a focus on establishing collaborative links to strengthen fellowship applications. We organised a diverse selection of speakers, covering a wide range of areas, including career tracks (academia and industry), grant writing tips and tricks, publicising your findings, as well as protecting IP and commercialisation. The day was rounded off with an evening networking reception.
We were fortunate to secure funding from Life Sciences Research Network Wales to help us run this event and were therefore able to offer the day event free of charge.