Outstanding Achievement Award 2024

Professor Adrian Thrasher
The BSGCT board considered that Prof Adrian Thrasher has conducted pioneering studies in gene therapy for primary immunodeficiencies and retinal disorders, leading to several successful clinical trials. This seminal work in developing gene therapies has proven curative in primary immunodeficiencies. Such outstanding research has driven the gene therapy field forward and put the UK at the forefront of clinical translation of gene therapy.
Professor Adrian Thrasher is a world-leading pioneer in the field of human gene therapy. He was one of the first international scientists to develop techniques for clinical gene transfer to bone marrow stem cells, that has led to curative treatments for inherited disorders of immunity and metabolism. The application of these transformative therapies has emerged over three decades from small academic trials to major commercial interests. He was scientific co-founder of Orchard Therapeutics, which is now established as a global gene therapy leader for rare diseases. In addition to his pre-eminence in gene-therapy, he has an outstanding track record in basic research into biological mechanisms and the aetiology of human disease, particularly inherited immunodeficiency. Adrian served on the board of BSGCT between 2004 and 2013, first as an elected board member and from 2009 as the second president of the society.