The 2024 BSGCT Annual Conference took place from 17-19 June at the Saïd Business School…

Annual Conference 2013, Royal Holloway
At the AGM in March 2012, the Society voted unanimously for a name change to British Society for Gene and Cell Therapy (BSGCT) to reflect the increasing synergy between the field of gene therapy and cell biology, in particular stem cell biology. This aligns BSGCT with the European and American organisations, ESGCT and ASGCT. It also reflects the enthusiasm for change and greater interaction between the gene therapy and stem cell communities: A BSGT-sponsored workshop ‘genetic modification meets stem cell biology’ held at the April 2011 UK National Stem Cell Network meeting attracted far more delegates than any other parallel session in the Network’s history. Equally, our Society’s collaborative conference in Brighton with ESGCT in October 2011 attracted over 700 delegates and was a major international success. We are now building on these successes by assembling an outstanding speaker line-up to mix the best of gene and cell therapy with stem cell biology for the 2013 BSGCT conference (April 17-19, Royal Holloway, London).