The 2024 BSGCT Annual Conference took place from 17-19 June at the Saïd Business School…

Spring Conference 2018, London
Lentiviral and other retroviral vectors in 2018: Applications, production and vector design relevant for translation into human
Lentviral and retroviral vectors are at the forefront of advanced therapeutic medicinal product (ATMP) development. The 1-day conference on Friday 27th April 2018 aimed to give the attendee an overview about the successes, challenges and areas for future development. The programme was exciting and key national and international speakers including Claire Booth and Luigi Naldini spoke at the conference. The annual Fairbairn Award gave students and early post-docs the chance to compete for the prestigious Fairbairn Award. The conference closed with a moderated questions and answers session, debating the pros and cons of gene editing versus gene addition-based strategies.
An important aspect of our conference is to give early career gene and cell therapists a chance to become involved. This year we, for the first time, included a session on 1-minute rapid poster presentations. Younger members of the BSGCT community werealso be invited to co-chair sessions and validate submitted abstract; important skills to learn, but also valuable additions to CVs.
Thank you for joining us to make the meeting a success.
Presentation Winners
The Fairbairn Award: Helena Lund-Palau, Imperial College London – FB02 Lentivirus GM-CSF gene therapy for autoimmune pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
Best Poster Presentation: Michael Hughes, University College London – PO09 AAV9 Intracerebroventricular gene therapy improves lifespan and normalises long-term locomotor behaviour in a mouse model of Niemann-Pick type C1 disease
Best Rapid Poster Presentation: Robyn Bell, Imperial College London – PO12 Large transgene strategies for von Willebrand disease
Rapid Poster Presentation Runner Up: Nora Clarke, Imperial College London – PO18 Validation of a PCR-based assay to quantify lentiviral vector shedding in human body fluids